
These are the RCT Library's holdings as of 9/3/2023.  The listing includes holdings in both Oakman Research Library and DeMaw Circulating Library stacks.

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, US and Foreign, Wtr 48-49, Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, 1948

ARRL Advanced Class License Manual for the Radio Amateur, Wolfgang, Larry D; Hale, Bruce S, 1988

Short Wave Coil Data Book, Radio Publications,

Storage Batteries (Bluebooks 552B), Ritter, Ralph W., and E. W. Allen, 1939

Transistor Specifications Manual, SAMS, 1970

QST Index 1945-1990, QST biblioggraphy, 1990

F-M Simplified, Kiver, Milton S, 1947

Antenna Engineering Handbook, Jasik, Henry, 1961

ARRL's Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2015

Emergency Coordinator's Handbook, Riley, Michael R, 1984

New RTTY Handbook, Kretzman, Byron H, 1962

RTTY From A to Z, Tucker, Durward J, 1970

Radio Amateur's Operating Manual, ARRL, 1980

Radio Amateur's Operating Manual, ARRL, 1972

ARRL 1985-1986 Extra Class License Manual, ARRL, 1986

ARRL Technician/General Class License Manual 1986-1987, ARRL, 1986

Technician Plus (Tandy - Radio Shack), West, Gordon, 1991

Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, Davidoff, Martin R, 1985

HF Antennas for All Locations, Moxon, L.A., 1984

Practical Oscilloscope Handbook Vol 1, Turner, Rufus P, 1964

Specialized Communications Techniques for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1975

Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, ARRL, 1970

Contact Sport, George, J.K., 2016

The Inventions, Researches, and Writings of Nikola Tesla, Tesla, Nickola, 2014

Practical Constructions for Vacuum Tube Circuits, Priesman, Albert, 1943

Basic Radio: Electron Tube Circuits, Tepper, Marvin, 1961

Radio Tube Fundamentals, Christ, George J, 1951

ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2005

World of Keys, Ingram, Dave, 2005

Frequently Asked Questions About Antenna Systems and Baluns Plus Exploring Popular Antenna Myths, Thompson, Jim, 1999

Art and Skill of Radio Telegraphy, The, Pierpont, William G., 2002

Guide to RTTY Frequencies, Ferrell, Oliver P., 1983

Marconi's Atlantic Leap, Bussey, Gordon, 2000

Ham Radio's Technical Culture, Haring, Kristen, 2007

Magnetic Loop Antenna, Berger, Oldrich; Dvorsky, Marek, 2015

Radio Amateur Callbook. DX Listings, , 1980

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1960

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1961

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1964

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1976

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1978

Best Ways to Use your VOM and VTVM, Shunaman, Fred, Ed., 1970

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1981

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1982

Portable Operating for Amateur Radio, Thomas, Stuart, 2018

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1983

Radio Amateur Magazine, US listings, , 1961

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1986

Radio Amateur Callbook. International Winter 86-87, , 1986

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1990

1991 Radio Amateur Callbook, , 1881

Radio Amateur Callbook. Foreign or International Listings, , 1995

A Family Fair: The R.L. Drake Story, Loughmiller, John, 2001

ARRL Digital Technology for Emergency Communications Course, ARRL, 2009

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1960

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1970

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1976

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1977

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1979

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States, , 1963

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1980

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1981

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, Callbook Magazine, 1996

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1983

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1984

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1985

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1986

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1988

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1989

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1990

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1993

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1995

Radio Amateur Callbook United States, , 1996

Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942

Electricity and Magnetism, ICS Staff, 1934

Radio Wave Propagation and the Ionosphere, Al'pert, Ya. L., 1963

Wireless Course, Gernsback, S.; Lescarboura, A.; Secor, H. W., 1921

Bringing Electric Sets Up to Date and Modernizing Radio Receivers, Denton, Clifford E., 1932

Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1943

Ferromagnetic Core Design and Application Handbook, DeMaw, Doug, 1996

Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fowle, Frank F., 1915

Radio Amateur's RTTY Handbook, The, Green, Wayne and Byron H. Kretzman, 1957

Radio Handbook, The, Radio Magazine, 1935

Elementary Electricity. Training Pamphlet No. 1, , 1921

Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity Vol ?, American Technical Society, 1917

Cyclopedia of Applied Electricity Vol 3, American Technical Society, 1920

Ham Radio Magazine vol 2 1984-1990, , 1990

ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2010

ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2016

Radio Almanac, Farmer, George, 1981

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, Fall 1946, Callbook Magazine, 1946

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine, US or NA listings, Fall 1962, , 1962

Introduction to HF Software Defined Radio, An, Barron, Andrew, 2014

Introduction to HF Software Defined Radio, An, Barron, Andrew, 2014

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Schetgen, Robert; Newkirk, David, 1997

APRS Tracks, Maps and Mobiles, Horzepa, Stan, 1999

Elementary Principles of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony. Radio Communication Pamphlet No. 1, , 1921

Standard Handbook for Electrical Engineers, Fink, Donald G.; Beaty, H. Wayne, 1977

Audel's Handy Book of Practical Electricity With Wiring Diagrams, Graham, Frank D., 1924

Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Herrington, Donald E.; Meachan, Stanley, 1959

IEEE Standard Dictionary of Electrical and Electronics Terms, Jay, Frank, 1977

Radiotron Designer's Handbook, Langford-Smith, F., 1945

Radiotron Designer's Handbook, Langford-Smith, F., 1953

The Network: The Battle for the Airwaves, Wooley, Scott, 2016

New Radio Receiver Building Handbook, The, Williams, Lyle Russell, 2006

How to Become a Radio Serviceman, Martin, Louis, 1932

Electrical Catechism: An Introductory Treatise on Electricity and Its Uses, Shepardson, Geo. D., 1908

Technical Manual: Sylvania Set-Tested Radio Tubes, Sylvania, 1939

MARS Base Station Call Book, US Air Force, N.D.

Bell Laboratories Record 7,3, Bell Laboratories, ?

Industrial Tube Products Guide, General Electric, 1980

Insulators (Catalog No. 30), Thomas & Sons, 1930

ABC's of Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, Lytel, Allan Herbert, 1965

Theory and Calculation of Alternating Current Phenomena, Steinmetz, Charles Proteus; Berg, Ernst Julius, 1900

Basic Electronic Test Instruments, Turner, Rufus P., 1953

Electronic Tubes: Five-Star and Special-Purpose Types, General Electric, 1955

Batteries and Energy Systems, Mantell, C. L., 1970

High Frequency Measurements, Hund, August, 1933

Specialized Communications Techniques for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1975

Antennas - Russian, Belotserkovskiy, G. B., 1962

GE transistor manual, Cleary, J. F., 1964

Communication Engineering, Everitt, William Littell, 1932

Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Lowry, William; DeMaw, Doug; Rusgrove, Jay; Steinman, Hal, 1978

Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Hutchinson, C. L.; Dickinson, Robert.; DeMaw, Doug, 1984

GE transistor manual, Lowry, H. R., 1960

Electronics Manual for Radio Engineers: Articles published in Electronics during 1940-1948, Zeluff, Vin; Markus, John, 1949

Dictionary of Electronic Terms, A, Partridge, Gordon R., 1955

Electronic Circuit Analysis Vol. 1: Passive Networks, Cutler, Philip; Hoover, Hardy, 1960

Radio Shack Dictionary of Electronics, Graf, Rudolf F., 1974

Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R., 2009

How to Read Schematic Diagrams, Herrington, Donald E., 1975

Electronic Circuits Handbook, Kneitel, Tom, 1963

Handbook of Modern Solid-state Amplifiers, Lenf, John D., 1974

Handbook of Simplified Solid-state Circuit Design, Lenf, John D., 1978

Handbook of Simplified Electrical Wiring Design, Lenf, John D., 1975

Electronics Dictionary, Markus, John; Cooke, Nelson Magor, 1978

Electronic Design with Off-the-Shelf Integrated Circuits, Meiksin, Z. H.; Thackray, Philip C., 1984

Engineer's Notebook 2: Integrated Circuit Applications, Mims III, Forrest M., 1982

Unusual Patented Circuits 1944-1946 (Gernsback Library No. 30), Radio Craft, 1946

RCA Transistor Manual ?, Radio Corporation of America, 1966

Cathode-ray Tube at Work, The, Rider, John Francis, 1935

Complete Guide to Reading Schematic Diagrams, Douglas-Young, John, 1972

Transistor Substitution Handbook, Howard W. Sams & Co., 1965

Solid-state Servicing, Sloot, William, 1979

Handbook of Operational Amplifier Design, Stout, David F.; Kaufman, Milton, 1976

Antenna Theory and Design. Vol. 2, The Electrical Design of Antennae, Williams, H. Paul, 1966

ARRL UHF/Microwave Experimenter's Manual, ARRL, 1990

Reflections: Transmission Lines and Antennas, Maxwell, M. Walter, 1990

Radio Communication Handbook, Dennison, Mike; Fielding, John, 2009

Wide-Band FM for the Amateur, Aagaard, James S.; DuBois, John L., 1962

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1939

Vertical Antenna Classics, Schetgen, Robert, 1995

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1970

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1988

ARRL Antenna Book, The, , 2009

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2011

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1949

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1954

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL, 1985

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1986, 1986

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 1986, The, ARRL: International Amateur Radio Union, 1986

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1987

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, ARRL; International Amateur Radio Union, 1989, 1989

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 2002

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs 1993, The, ARRL, 1992

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1994

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1996

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1999

Amateur Radio Theory Course, Schwartz, Martin, 1981

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2005

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2005, The, ARRL, 2004

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2007, The, ARRL, 2006

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2008, The, ARRL, 2007

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2010, The, ARRL, 2009

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2012, The, ARRL, 2011

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 2007

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 8, ARRL, 2010

Modern Dictionary of Electronics, Graf, Rudolf F, 1997

ARRL DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2008

Electronics from the Ground Up, Quan, Ronald, 2015

Network, The, Woolley, Scott, 2016

ARRL's VHF/UHF Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2003

ARRL VHF/UHF Radio Buyer's Sourcebook, ARRL, 1997

ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2008

Building an Amateur Radiotelephone Transmitter, ARRL, 1937

Fifty Years of ARRL: A Reprint of Historical Articles From the 1964 Issues of QST, ARRL, 1965

FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur, McMullen, Thomas, ed., 1972

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1965

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1968

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1978

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1982

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1992

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1997

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2000

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2004

How to Become a Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1968

Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1976

Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, ARRL, 1970

ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2001

Radio Receivers and Servicing, MacIlvain,K.M., 1928

Radio Receivers and Servicing, MacIlvain, M.K., 1928

ARRL Handbook CD 2007, ARRL, 2007

Radio Amateur Callbook, International, , 1989

Understanding Amateur Radio, Rusgrove, Jay; DeMaw, Doug; Grammar, George, 1977

Radio Fundamentals, Radio Library I, Dart, Harry F., Zimmerman, A. G., and C. H. Vose, 1928

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 2010

Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, -1

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1926

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1938

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1939

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1944

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1945

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1946

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1946

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1947

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1947

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1948

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1948

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1949

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I, 1981

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1949

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1950

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1951

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1951

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1952

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1952

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1953

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1953

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1954

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1954

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1956

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1956

ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford,Steve, 2010

ARRL Extra Class License Manual, The, ARRL, 1989

Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1955

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1957

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1957

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1958

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1959

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1959

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1960

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1960

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1961

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1961

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1962

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1962

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1964

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1965

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1966

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1966

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1967

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1968

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1968

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1969

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1970

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1970

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1971

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1972

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1973

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1974

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1974

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1975

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1977

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1978

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1979

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1980

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1981

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1982

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1984

Radio Amateur's License Manual, The, ARRL, 1973

Audel's Radioman's Guide, Anderson, Edwin P., 1944

Weekend Projects for the Radio Amateur, Anderson, Marian S., 1979

ARES Field Resources Manual, ARRL, 2008

Mobile Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1960

Understanding Amateur Radio, ARRL, 1963

ARRL's Low Power Communication, Arland, Rich, 2009

ARRL Satellite Anthology: The Best of Recent QST Articles on Amateur Satellite Operation and Hardware, ARRL, 1992

Bassett Hand Book of Rotary Beam Design for 1939, The, Bassett, Rex, 1939

The Arvin Radio Diagrams, Bightman, M.N., 1947

How to Modernize Radios for Profit: Radio Service Boom for 1942, Beitman, Morris N., 1942

Most-Often-Needed 1926-1938 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1941

Most-Often-Needed 1950 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1950

Most-Often-Needed 1951 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1951

Most-Often-Needed 1952 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1952

Most-Often-Needed 1954 Television Servicing Information, Beitman, Morris N., 1954

Most-Often-Needed 1955 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1955

Most-Often-Needed 1959 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1959

Most-Often-Needed 1960 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1960

Most-Often-Needed 1965 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1965

Most-Often-Needed 1965 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1965

Most-Often-Needed 1926-38 Radio Diagrams, Beitman, Morris N., 1938

Successful Radio Repairing With Available Substitute Parts, Beitman, Morris N., 1945

Public Address Installation and Service: Modern Methods of Servicing and Installing Public Address Equipment, Bernsley, J. T., 1934

Yasme: The Danny Weil and Colvin Radio Expeditions, Cain, James D., 2003

Morse Code: The Essential Language, Carron, L. Peter, 1990

Carborundum in Radio: Hook-Up Book, Carborundum Co., 1926

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, Collins, A. Frederick, 1922

Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942

Mathematics for Electricians and Radiomen, Cooke, Nelson M., 1942

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1947

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1947

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1949

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1951

Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, Dellinger, J. H., 1919

QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1986

W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits for Experimenters, DeMaw, Doug, 1990

W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987

W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987

200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio, DeSoto, Clinton B., 2001 (1936)

ON4UN's Low-Band DXing; with CD, Devoldere, John, 2005

Electronics' Engineering Manual, Electronics, 1938

Fundamentals of Radio, Everitt, William Littell; Jordan, Edward C., 1942

Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Evenson, Richard Cameron.; Beach, Olen Robert, 1948

Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 2, Evenson, R. C. and O. R. Beach, 1948

Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 1, Evenson, R. C. and O. R. Beach, 1948

Amateur Radio: A Beginner's Guide, Fortune, J. Douglas, 1940

S. Gernsback's Radio Encyclopedia, Gernsback, Sidney, 1927

Radio Encyclopedia ?, Gernsback, Sidney, 1927

Radio Field Service Data, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1936

Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook ?, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1941

Radio Troubleshooter's Handbook ?, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1943

Course in Radio Fundamentals, A, Grammar, George, 1972

RFI Book: Practical Cures for Radio Frequency Interference, Gruber, Mike, 2007

50 Years of Amateur Radio Innovation, Veras, Joe, 2008

Principles of Radio., Henney, Keith, 1929

Principles of Radio, Henney, Keith, 1929

Radio Engineering Handbook, The, Henney, Keith, 1933

Radio Engineering Handbook, The, Henney, Keith, 1935

Basic Radio: The Essentials of Electron Tubes and Their Circuits, Hoag, J. Barton, 1942

Your Gateway to Packet Radio, Horzepa, Stan, 1989

Frequency Modulation, Hund, August, 1942

Antenna Engineering Handbook, Jasik, Henry, 1961

Jones Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1935

Jones Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1937

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W., 1938

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, R. L., 1946

ARRL DXCC Handbook, The, Kearman, James E., 2007

ARRL DXCC Companion, The, Kearman, James E., 1990

Surplus Conversion Book, Kneitel, Tom, 1964

Drake's Radio Cyclopedia, Manly, Harold P., 1927

Drake's Radio Cyclopedia, Manly, Harold P., 1931

Radio Projects, Marcus, Abraham, 1955

Packet Radio Handbook, The, Mayo, Jonathan L., 1989

WWARA's Pacific Northwest Repeater Directory, The, McKibbin, Mark, 1997

Realistic Guide to Oscilloscopes, Middleton, Robert G., 1976

Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H Ward, 2017

HF Antennas for All Locations, Moxon, L. A., 1982

Practical Radio Communication; Principles, Systems, Equipment, Operation, Including Very High and Ultra-high Frequencies and Frequency Modulation, Nilson, Arthur Reinhold; Hornung, Julius Lawrence, 1943

Northwest Amateur Packet Radio Association Notebook, , 1992

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1963

Simple, Low-cost Wire Antennas for Radio Amateurs, Orr, William I.; Cowan, Stuart D., 1990

Don C. Wallace W6AM: Amateur Radio's Pioneer, Perkins, Jan David, 1991

Advance Class FCC License Preparation, West, Gordon, 1992

101 Radio Hook-Ups, Radio News, 1930

Television Interference, Rand, Philip S., 1952

RCA Transistor Manual: Technical Series SC-10, RCA, 1962

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-14, RCA, 1940

Magnetic Loop Antenna, Burger, Oldrich; Dvorsky, Marek, 2015

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-14, RCA, 1940

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-16, RCA, 1950

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-17, RCA, 1954

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-17, RCA, 1954

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-19, RCA, 1959

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-22, RCA, 1963

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-23, RCA, 1964

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-23, RCA, 1964

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-30, RCA, 1975

1939 Radio & Television Data Book, Radio News, 1939

Hobbyist's Guide to RTL-SDR: Really Cheap Software Defined Radio, Laufer, Carl, 2016

Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Hayward, H; DeMaw, Doug, 1977

ARRL Antenna Book, The, Straw, R Dean (ed), 2002

FM Transmission and Reception, Rider, John Francis; Uslan, Seymour Daniel, 1948

ARRL Antenna Book, Hall, Gerald L (ed), 1984

Semiconductor Source Guide, Thompson Consumer Electronics, 1990

ARRL Operating Manual, Halprin, Robert J, 1988

Radio Amateur's Handbook: A Manual for Amateur Short Wave Radiotelegraphic Communication, Handy, Francis Edward, 1926

QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine Vol 1,1, ARRL, 1915

The Electronics of Radio, Rutledge, David B, 2005

Radio Troubleshooting Guidebook, Vol. 1, Rider, John F.; Johnson, J. Richard, 1954

Robison's Manual of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony for the Use of Naval Electricians, Robison, S. S.; Todd, D. W.; Hooper, S. C., 1919

From Beverages Through OSCAR: A Bibliography, Rosen, Richard J., 1979

Modern Oscilloscopes and Their Uses, Ruiter, Jacob H., 1949

Tube Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1970

Tube Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1974

Tube Substitution Handbook, Vol. 3, Sams, Howard W., 1961

Radio Amateur's Handbook: A Manual of Amateur Short Wave Radiotelegraphic Communication, Handy, Francis Edward, 1927

Tube Substitution Handbook, Vol. 8, Sams, Howard W., 1964

Directional Antennas, Smith, Carl E., 1946

Amateur Radio Call Directory, United States Listings 1982-1983, Speer, Jack A.; Anand, Ashok K.; American Radio Relay League, 1983

Amateur Radio Call Directory, United States Listings 1982-1983, Speer, Jack A.; Anand, Ashok K.; American Radio Relay League, 1983

Electronic Communication, Shrader,Robert L, 1959

Characteristics of Sylvania Receiving Tubes, Sylvania/GTE, N.D.

Essentials of Radio Electronics, Slurzberg, Morris, and William Osterheld, 1961

Shortwave DX Handbook, Stumpf-Siering, Enrico, 2005

Marconi's Miracle: The Wireless Bridging of the Atlantic, Tarrant, D. R., 2001

Radio Engineering, Terman, F. Emmons, 1932

Radio Engineering, Terman, F. Emmons, 1947

Radio Engineer's Handbook, Terman, F. Emmons, 1943

Radio Communication at Ultra High Frequencies, Thomson, J., 1950

Radio Amateur's VHF Manual, The: A Manual of Amateur Radio Communication on the Frequencies Above 50 Megacycles, Tilton, Edward P., 1965

Radio Transmitters and Carrying Currents, MacIlvain, K.M. and Freedman, W.H., 1926

Radio Amateur's VHF Manual, The: A Manual of Amateur Radio Communication on the Frequencies Above 50 Megacycles, Tilton, Edward P., 1972

ARRL DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2018

Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, United States Government, 1928

Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce, Radio Division, 1931

Commercial and Government Radio Stations of the United States, U.S. Department of Commerce, Radio Division, 1931

Federal Radio Commission Rules and Regulations, United States Government, 1934

Radio Fundamentals ?, U.S. War Department, 1944

Radio Set Analyzers and How to Use Them, Van der Mel, L. [Martin, Louis], 1931

ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2004

Teletype Manual No. 11, War Department, 1943

Tune in the World with Ham Radio, Wolfgang, Larry; Mark J. Wilson; Bruce S. Hale, 1987

Tune in the World with Ham Radio, Wolfgang, Larry; et al., 1989

Principles of Radio Communication, Morecroft, J. H.; Pinto, A.; Curry, W. A., 1921

Radio Measurements, Dart, Harry F; Hanson, E H, 1928

Radio Manual for Radio Engineers, Inspectors, Students, Operators and Radio Fans, The, Sterling, George, 1940

How to Become a Wireless Operator, Hayward, Charles B., 1918

Modern Radio Servicing, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1935

Superheterodyne Book: All About Superheterodynes, Fitch, Clyde, 1932

Father of Radio: The Autobiography of Lee de Forest, de Forest, Lee, 1950

Radio Up to the Minute, with Questions and Answers, Nilson, Arthur, 1927

Radio News Short-wave Handbook, Cockaday, Laurence M.; Hlze, Walter H., 1933

Meter at Work, The, Rider, John Francis, 1940

Menlo Park Reminiscences, Jehl, Francis, 1938

Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Wardm, 2017

NOS intro: TCP/IP over packet radio ?, Wade, Ian,, 1992

Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1945

Allied's Radio Data Handbook, Allied Radio, 1947

Stormspotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, M; Morris, V, 2010

New Sideband Handbook, The, Stoner, Don, 1958

Dictionary of Electronic Terms, A, Partridge, Gordon R., 1956

Encyclopedia of Electronic Circuits, Sands, Leo G.; Mackenroth, Donald R., 1975

Transistor Circuits, Adams, Thomas M., 1962

Radio Frequency Amplification: Theory and Practice, HC, 1924

Radio Amateur's Digital Communications Handbook, The, Mayo, Jonathan L., 1992

Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio, Lewis, Tom, 1991

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs 2002, The, ARRL, 2001

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

World of Ham Radio, 1901-1950, Bartlett, Richard A., 2007

Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, Michael; Morris, Victor, 2010

Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1998

World War II Radio Heroes: Letters of Compassion, Spahr, Lisa L.; Camacho, Austin, 2008

Radio Frequency Interference: How to Identify and Cure It, Hutchinson, C. L.; Dickinson, Robert.; DeMaw, Doug, 1981

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 7, ARRL, 2002

Basic Radio: Understanding the Key Building Blocks, Hallas, Joel R., 2009

Understanding Basic Electronics, Wolfgang, Larry D., 2006

Understanding Basic Electronics, Banzhaf, Walter, 2010

ARRL's VHF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008

ARRL's HF Digital Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008

Radio Frequency Interference: How to Find It and Fix It, Hare, Ed; Schetgen, Robert, 1991

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2003

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1991

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1995

ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics, ARRL, 2002

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1959

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 1, ARRL, 1985

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 2, ARRL, 1989

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 3, ARRL, 1992

ARRL Repeater Directory 2010-2011, Desktop Ed., ARRL, 2010

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1963

International Antenna Collection, Brown, George, 2003

Practical Antenna Handbook (CD missing), Carr, Joseph J., 1998

Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement, Carr, Joseph J., 2002

FM and Repeaters for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1972

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1999

Now You're Talking!, Wolgang, Larry, 1997

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1942

ARRL's Low Power Communication, Arland, Rich, 2009

Solid State Basics for the Radio Amateur, DeMaw, Doug; Jay Rusgrove, 1978

Ham Radio Operator's Guide, Bergquist, Carl, 2001

W1FB's Design Notebook: Practical Circuits for Experimenters, DeMaw, Doug, 1990

FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2017

Power Supply Handbook, Fielding, John, 2006

Digital Electronics: A Workbench Guide to Circuits, Experiments and Applications, Genn, Robert C., 1982

The ARRL Satellite Handbook, Ford, Steve, 2008

Hello World, a Life in Ham Radio, Gregory, Danny; Sahre, Paul, 2003

Simple and Fun Antennas for Hams, Hutchison, Chuck, 2002

Workbench Guide to Electronic Troubleshooting, Genn, Robert C., 1977

Experimental Methods in RF Design, Hayward, Wes; Rick Campbell; Bob Larkin, 2003

Ham Radio for Dummies, Silver, Ward, 2004

N0AX's Radio Puzzler, Silver, H. Ward, 2001

More QRP Power, Wilson, Mark; Shelly Bloom; Jodi Morin, 2006

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, , 1958

Marconi's Secret, Browne, Susan Chalker, 2001

Carl & Jerry, Volume 1: 1954-1956, Frye, John T., 2007

Carl & Jerry, Volume 2: 1957-1958, Frye, John T., 2007

Carl & Jerry, Volume 3: 1959-1960, Frye, John T., 2007

CQ Ghost Ship, Tompkins, Walker A., 1971

Grand Canyon QSO, Tompkins, Walker A., 1987

Disappearing Act, Wall, Cynthia, 1996

Firewatch!, Wall, Cynthia.; Somerville, Sheila, 1993

Hostage in the Woods, Wall, Cynthia, 1990

Night Signals, Wall, Cynthia, 1989

A Spark to the Past, Wall, Cynthia, 1998

Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, Yakima, WA, September 3-4, 1932, Yakima Amateur Radio Club, 1932

Convention, ARRL Sixth National, Seattle, WA, July 27-29, 1951, ARRL, 1951

Radio Club of Tacoma: The Early Years (50th anniversary scrapbook), Chavis K7AMJ, Margie, 2008

1992 Motley Group Directory 3.933 mhz, Motley Group, 1992

Convention, ARRL NW Division, Tacoma Hotel, Aug 29-30, 1931, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1931

Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 22-23, 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987

Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 22-23, 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987

Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 19-20, 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989

Convention, ARRL Northwestern Division, and Tacoma HamFair, August 19-20, 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989

Field Day June 25-26, 2005, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2005

Rosterbook 1966, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1966

Rosterbook 1967-68, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1967

Ham Fair 1972, August 19-20, 1972, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1972

Ham Fair 1973, August 18-19, 1973, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1973

HamFair 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974

HamFair 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974

HamFair 1975, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1975

HamFair 1976, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1976

Introduction to Radio Frequency Design, Hayward, Wes, 2004

HamFair 1977, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1977

HamFair 1978, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1978

HamFair 1979, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979

HamFair 1980, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1980

HamFair 1981, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1981

HamFair 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982

HamFair 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982

HamFair 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983

HamFair 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983

HamFair 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984

HamFair 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984

HamFair 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985

HamFair 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986

HamFair 1988, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1988

Rosterbook 1971, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1971

Rosterbook 1972, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1972

Rosterbook 1973, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1973

Rosterbook 1974, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974

Rosterbook 1975, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1975

Rosterbook 1976, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1976

Rosterbook 1977, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1977

Rosterbook 1978, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1978

Rosterbook 1979, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979

Rosterbook 1980, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1980

Rosterbook 1981, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1981

Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982

Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982

Rosterbook 1982, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1982

Rosterbook 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983

Rosterbook 1983, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1983

Rosterbook 1984, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984

Rosterbook 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985

Rosterbook 1985, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1985

Rosterbook 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986

Rosterbook 1986, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1986

Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987

Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987

Rosterbook 1987, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1987

Rosterbook 1988: In memory Al Stenso, Charter Officer, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1988

Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989

Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989

Rosterbook 1989, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989

Rosterbook 1990, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1990

Hamfest, Washington State, July 12-13, 1969, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1969

Annual Awards Banquet, December 5, 2009, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2009

Annual Awards Banquet, December 5, 2009, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2009

Photo Archive Book 1 A-C, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

RCT 1940s & 1950s photos, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Mixed Photos, Some 1980s, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

1914-1939 Members, Shacks, Conventions, and Banquets Book 7 W-Y, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2014, The, AR, 2013

Photo Archive Book 2 D-G, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Photo Archive Book 3 H-L, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Photo Archive Book 4 M-O, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Photo Archive Book 5 P-S, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Photo Archive Book 6 T-Z, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Antique Radio Museum and Fair, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

First Tacoma Station; 1970s & 1971 Homecoming photos, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

W7DK Silent Keys, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2008

Annual Awards Banquet December 14, 2014, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2014

Electronic Prototype Construction, Kasten, Stephen D., 1983

ARRL Section Manager's Survival Guide, Maass, Jeff; Hurder, Luck, 1988

Radar Electronic Fundamentals, Navships, 1944

All About Cubical Quad Antennas, Orr, William I., 1959

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1968-1978

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1968-1978

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974-1978

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1974-1978

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979-1983

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1979-1983

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1984-1988

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989-1993

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1989-1993

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1994-1998

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1999-2003

Convention, ARRL NW Division, Portland, OR, Aug 18-19, 1933, Rose City ARC, Rose City Amateur Radio Club, 1933

Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong, Lessing, Lawrence, 1969

Man of High Fidelity: Edwin Howard Armstrong, Lessing, Lawrence, 1969

Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2015

Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2015

Pocket Guide to Collins Amateur Radio Equipment 1946-1980, Miller, Jay H., 1995

Understanding Your Antenna Analyzer, Hallas, Joel, 2013

Get on the Air With HF Digital, Ford, Steve, 2011

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur, The, , 1990

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2003

History of Radio to 1926, Archer, Gleason L., 1938

Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2011

The ARRL Guide to Antenna Tuners, Hallas, Joel R., 2010

Emergency Power for Radio Communications, Bryce, Michael, 2011

Low Profile Amateur Radio, Brogdon, Al, 2009

Oscilloscopes for Radio Amateurs, Danzer, Paul, 2015

Antenna Zoning for the Radio Amateur, Hopengarten, Fred, 2001

Antenna Engineering Handbook, Weeks, W. L., 1968

HF Vertical Performance: Test Methods and Results, Silver, Ward; Morris, Steve, 2000

HF Tribander Performance: Test Methods and Results, Silver, Ward; Morris, Steve, 1999

Secrets of RF Circuit Design, Carr, Joseph J., 1991

Electronic Circuits Manual, Markus, John, 1980

Radio Propagation: Principles and Practice, Poole, Ian, 2004

VHF-UHF Manual, Evans, D. S.; Jessop, G. R., 1976

Radio Handbook, The, Smith W. W., 1938

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1962

ARRL Introduction to Emergency Communication Course, ARRL, 2011

Personal Emergency Communications, Baze, Andrew, 2012

Transistor Substitution Handbook, Sams, Howard W., 1963

The Quad Antenna, Haviland, Bob, 1993

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1959

Communications Receivers: 1942-1997, Osterman, Fred, 1998

The Complete DX'r, Locher, Bob, 1983

Amateur Radio Transceiver Performance Testing, Allison, Bob, 2013

The ARRL Guide to Antenna Tuners, Hallas, Joel R., 2010

Mil Spec Radio Gear Vol 2, Francis, Mark, 2009

Amateur Radio Operating Manual, Eckersley, R. J., 1985

Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1993

Beam Antenna Handbook, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1990

Electronic Circuits Manual, Markus, John, 1971

HF Antenna Collection, David, Erwin, 1991

Image Communications Handbook, Taggart, Ralph E., 2002

The ARRL Electronics Data Book, DeMaw, Doug, 1988

Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis, Chuck, 1999

Amateur Radio Encyclopedia, Gibilisco, Stan, 1994

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1983

Semiconductor Reference Handbook, Archer, Gleason L, 1977

ARRL Antenna Compendium Volume 1, The, ARRL, 1985

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 2, ARRL, 1989

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 3, ARRL, 1992

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 6, ARRL, 1999

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 4, ARRL, 1995

ARRL Antenna Compendium Vol. 5, ARRL, 1996

More ARRL's Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, ARRL, 2002

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1989

The Complete DX'er, Locher, Bob, 2003

Lefax Radio Handbook, Dellinger, J. H.; Whittenmore, L. E., 1922

Emergency Power for Radio Communications, Bryce, Michael, 2011

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1992

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2000

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2011

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017

Clandestine Radio Operators, The, Perquin, Jean-Louis, 2011

Array of Light: Straight Talk About Antennas and Related Information, Schiller, T.H., 1996

Practical Radio Frequency Test & Measurement, Carr, Joseph J., 2002

Oscilloscopes for Radio Amateurs, Danzer, Paul, 2015

Reference Data for Radio Engineers, Westman, H.P., 1973

Propagation and Radio Science: Exploring the Magic of Wireless Communication, Nichols, Eric P., 2015

DXCC Companion, Kearman, James E, 1990

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2016, The, ARRL, 2015

ARRL Antenna Book for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2015

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2015

Antenna Physics: An Introduction, Zavrel, Robert J Jr, 2016

Small Antennas for Small Spaces, Ford, Steve, 2015

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1976

Radio Amateur Call Book Magazine, , 1957

FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2017

A History of QST Volume 1: Amateur Radio Technology, Silver, Ward, 2013

A History of QST Volume 2: Advertising 1915-2013, Veras, Joe, 2013

Modern Amateur's Mobile Handbook, The, Ingram, Dave, 1991

Radios To Go!, Ford, Steve, 2012

Your Mobile Companion, Birch, Roger, 1995

ON4UN's Low-Band DXing, Devoldere, John, 2005

W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987

W1FB's QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1999

QRP Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1989

First Steps in Radio, DeMaw, Doug, 1985

Managing Interstation Interference, Cutsogeorge, George, 2009

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2014, The, ARRL, 2013

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2009

Amateur Radio Transceiver Performance Testing, Allison, Bob, 2013

RF Amplifier Classics, Ford, Steve, 2004

Troubleshooting Antennas and Feedlines, Tyrrell, Rlaph, 1992

Arduino for Ham Radio, Popiel, Glen, 2014

Circuitbuilding for Dummies, Silver, H. Ward, 2008

ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 1, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014

Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook, The, Corey, Michael; Schoenfeld, Becky Rodia, 2012

Personal Emergency Communications, Baze, Andrew, 2012

ARRL's Hands-On Radio Experiments, Silver, H. Ward, 2008

ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 2, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014

Propagation and Radio Science, Nichols, Eric P., 2015

ARRL Handbook CD 2012, ARRL, 2012

ARRL'S Hands-on Radio Experiments vol. 3, Silver, Ward; Ford, Steve, 2014

Operator's Wireless Telegraph and Telephone Handbook, Laughter, Victor H, 1918

Weather Satellite Handbook, Taggart, Ralph E, 1996

Getting Started in Electronics, Mims III, Forrest M, 1983

Radio Amateur's Satellite Handbook, Davidhoff, Martin R, 2003

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2016

Everyman's Guide to Radio, Vol 2, Yates, Raymond Fracis, Ed., 1926

Ham Radio FAQ, Alvareztorrez, Al, Comp, 2001

QRP Classics, Schetgen, Bob, 1990

Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Hayward, Wes; DeMaw, Doug, 1977

QST Magazine archives at RCT, RCT, 1915-2005

Work the World With JT65 and JT9, Ford, Steve, 2017

ARRL Operating Manual, The, Wilson, Mark J, ed, 2016

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2017, The; with CD, ARRL, 2016

Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs, Daso, Don, 2016

The Radio Amateur's Workshop: Your DIY Guide for Ham Homebrewing, Hallas, Joel R., 2015

ComTrain's Tribute to Safety, Wilcox, Winton W., 2013

Work the World With JT65 and JT9, Ford, Steve, 2017

ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2016

ARRL Antenna Book, The; with CD, ARRL, 2015

Antenna Towers for Radio Amateurs, Daso, Don, 2016

The Radio Amateur's Workshop: Your DIY Guide for Ham Homebrewing, Hallas, Joel R., 2015

Build Your Own Transistor Radios, Quan, Ronald, 2013

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2010

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2015

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017

Comtrain's Tribute to Safety, Wilcox, Winton W., 2013

Extra Class: Amateur Radio Element 4, West, Gordon, 2008

A Mariner's Guide to Radio Facsimile Weathercharts, Bishop, Joseph M, 1991

Ham Radio Made Easy, Ford, Steve, 1995

The ARRL Operating Manual: Everything for the Active Ham, Danzer, Paul, ed, 1998

Electric Heating, Roth, Willard, 1939

Your Mobile Companion, Burch, Roger, 1995

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2010

ARRL Antenna Book, The CD, ARRL, 2015

Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2017

Handbook for Radio Communications, The; Companion CD, ARRL, 2017

Annual Awards Banquet, November 26, 2017, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2017

Annual Awards Banquet, November 26, 2017, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2017

The Electronics of Radio, Rutledge, David B., 1999

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The; with CD, ARRL, 2006

ARRL Antenna Book, The; with CD, ARRL, 2003

ARR DXCC List, The, ARRL, 2018

Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Ward, 2017

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 2007

Radio Telephony for Amateurs, ballantine, Stuart, 1922

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-?, RCA, 1947

Radio for the Millions (Popular Science 1945 reprint), Popular Science Monthly, 1989

Technical Manual:Sylvania Radio Tubes, Sylvania, 1953

Essential Characteristics: Receiving, Picture, Special PurposeTubes, General Electric, Owensboro

Batteries in a Portable World, Buchmann, Isidor, 2001

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1974

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2003

50 Years of Radio Craft: Jubilee Souvenir, Gernsback, Hugo, ed, 1987

Scientific Apparatus of Nicholas Callan and other Historic Instruments, The, Mollan,;Upton,J, 1994

Annual Awards Banquet, December 11, 2016, Radio Club of Tacoma, 42715

?, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1962

Annual Awards Banquet December 2, 2018 Radio Club of Tacoma 2018, RCT, 2018

Rosterbook 1969, RCT, 1969

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications, The, ARRL, 2018

1934 Official Short Wave Radio Manual, Gernsback, Hugo, 1987 (1934)

Radio Instruments and Measurements, National Bureau of Standards, 1937

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1997

ARRL Handbook for Radio Amateurs, The, ARRL, 1997

Radios by Hallicrafters, Dachis, Chuck, 1995

Simplified Practical Filter Design, Gottlieg, Irvin, 1990

Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Wes Hatward; Doug DeMaw, 1986

Solid State Design for the Radio Amateur, Wes Hatward; Doug DeMaw, 1997

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Huntoon, John, 1968

Learning the Radio Telegraph Code, Huntoon, John, 1942

Power Supplies Explained, Lee, Paul, 2018

Shortwave Receivers Past and Present, Osterman, Fred, 1997

ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug, 1976

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 2004

Best of Idea Exchange, The (QRP Quarterly), Czuhajewski, Mike; Mike Michaels, 2013

Solid State Basics for the Radio Amateur, DeMaw, Doug; Jay Rusgrove, 1978

Power Supplies Explained, Lee, Paul, 2018

Simple, Low-cost Wire Antennas for Radio Amateurs, Orr, William I., 1972

W6SAI HF Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1996

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2015, The, ARRL, 2014

Antennas: Selection, Installation and Projects, Evans, Alvis J.; Britain, Kent E., 1998

The Complete DX'er, Locher, Bob, 2003

The ARRL Repeater Directory 2019 Edition, ARRL, 2018

73 Dipole and Long-wire Antennas, Noll, Edward M., 1969

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968

The Technicians's Radio Receiver Handbook, Carr, Joseph J., 2001

The Radio Handbook, Orr, William I., 1987

The Cathode-Ray Tube: Technology, History, and Applications, Keller, Peter A., 1991

Radio Communication Handbook, Tebbit, J. E.; Wiles, A. D., 1968

ARRL Handbook CD, ARRL, 2014

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968

Logger's Bark, Radio Club of Tacoma, 1963-1968

ON4UN\'s Low-Band DXing, ON4UN, 2000

Ham Radio, Tenney, Jr W1NLB, 1990

Ham Radio Magaxine, Tenny, Jr. W1NLB, 1990

New Shortwave Propagation Handbook, The, Jacobs, George; Cohen, Theodore J.; Rose, Robert B., 1995

Annual Awards Banquet, December 2, 2018, Radio Club of Tacoma, 2018

Boy Who Invented Television,The, Schatzkin, Paul, 2002

Tesla: Man Out of Time, Cheney, Margaret, 1981

Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R., 2008

Antenna Handbook, U.S. Marine Corps, 1999

Inductance Calculations, Grover, Frederick W., 2009

Electronics Math Simplified, Volume 1, Andrews, Alan, 1961

All About Cubical Quad Antennas, Orr, William I., 1959, 1959

Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified, Moell, Joseph D.; Curlee, Thomas N., 1987

ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug, 1976

Master Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Clifford, Martin, 1984

Inductance Calculations, Grover, Frederick W., 2004

Handbook of Electronic Tables and Formulas, Howard W. Sams, comp, 1979

Tube Sustitution Guidebook, Middleton, H. A., 1979

New Shortwave Propagation Handbook, The, Jacobs, George; Theodore J Cohen; Robert B. Rose, 2011

Telegraphy Wireless and Wire, Kirkpatrick, O B, 1947

Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur: Your Power Sources in the 21st Century, Bruninga, Bob, 2019

QRP Classics, Schetgen, Bob, 1990

ARRL Emergency Communication Handbook, The, Ford, Steve, 2010

Radio Physics Course, Ghirardi, Alfred A., 1942 (1933)

Beverage Antenna Handbook, The, Misek, Victor A., 1977

More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, Hutchinson, Chuck, 2010

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Wolfgang, Larry, 2000

Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1965

200 Meters and Down: The Story of Amateur Radio, DeSoto, Clinton B., 1981 (1936)

Vertical Antenna Classics, Schetgen, Robert, 1999

ARRL Electronics Data Book, The, DeMaw, Doug , 1976

W1FB's Antenna Notebook, DeMaw, Doug, 1987

ARRL\'s Wire Antenna Classics, Hutchinson, Chuck, comp., 2002

Tacoma Screw Products, TacomaScrew, N.D.

Grainger Reference Guide No. 410, Grainger, 2019

The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Guidebook, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014

The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 1, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014

The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 2, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014

The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 3, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014

The Great Courses: Understanding Modern Electronics Disc 4, Wolfson, Richardson, 2014

Signor Marconi's Magic Box, Weightman, Gavin, 2003

Programming Amateur Radios with Chirp, Schell, Brian, 2018

Handheld Radio Field Guide, Cornwall, Andrew, 2018

Transmission Lines ?, Sevick, Jerry, 2001

VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs, Taylor, Jonathan, 2017

ARRL\'s Best of The Doctor Is In, Vol. 1, Halas, Joel, 2017

International Transistor Substitution Guidebook, Pullen, Jr., Keats A., 1961

First-Class Radiotelephone License Handbook, Noll, Edward M., 1966

Sylvania Technical Manual, Sylvania, N.D.

Electronic Troubleshooting Guidebook, The, Editors of Electronic Technician/Dealer, 1968

Electronic Circuit Directory, Philco-Ford Technical Education Program, 1953

RCA Receiving Tube Manual: Technical Series RC-?, RCA, 1971

New RTTY Handbook, Kretzman, Byron H., 1962

Advanced Class Radio Amateur FCC Test Manual, Schwartz, Martin, 1985

Basic Antennas: Understanding Practical Antennas and Design, Hallas, Joel R. , 2016

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Antenna Book Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019

Radio Amateur Antenna Handbook, The, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1978

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 1, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 2, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 3, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 4, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 5, Silver, Ward, 2019

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications Vol. 6, Silver, Ward, 2019

Amateur Single Sideband, Collins Radio Company, 1977

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The: Special Defense Edition, ARRL, 1942

ARRL Ham Radio Operating Guide, White, Ellen, 1976

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, Wilson, Mark J., 2019

ARRL Operating Manual for Radio Amateurs, The, Wilson, Mark J., 2019

Radio Angels, Stack, Paul Jerome, 1978

Beam Antenna Handbook, Orr, William; Cowan, Stuart, 1976

Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1970

Know Your Square-wave and Pulse Generators, Middleton, Robert G., 1965

Operating an Amateur Radio Station, ARRL, 1968

Operating an Amateur Radio Station, ARRL, 1976

Understanding Amateur Radio, Rusgrove, Jay; DeMaw, Doug; Grammer, George, 1977

Electrical Measurements in Theory and Application, Smith, Arthur Whitmore, 1934

Electrical Measurements and Their Applications, Michels, Walter C., 1957

Golden Years of Radio, The, Ham Radio Publishing Group, 1978

Amateur Radio: Theory and Practice, Shrader, Robert L., 1982

ABC's of Ham Radio, Pyle, Howard S., 1968

First Steps in Radio, DeMaw, Doug, 1985

Satellite Experimenter's Handbook, Davidoff, Martin R., 1990

Amateur Radio Encyclopedia, Gibilisco, Stan, 1994

AMECO Code Course, AMECO, N.D.

Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, Signal Corps, U.S. Army, 1922

Fast Track to Understanding Ham Radio Propagation, The, Burnett, Michael, 2018

Fast Track to Mastering Extra Class Ham Radio Math, The, Burnett, Michael, 2018

Fast Track to Your Extra Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2017

Fast Track to Your Technician Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2014

Fast Track to Your General Class Ham Radio License, The, Burnette, Michael, 2019

Everything You Forgot to Ask About HF Mobileering, Johnson, D. K., 1997

Your Ham Antenna Companion: A Guide to Understanding and Building Antennas, Danzer, Paul, 1995

Transmitter Hunting: Radio Direction Finding Simplified, Moell, Joseph D.; Curlee, Thomas N., 1987

More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 2, Hutchinson, Chuck, 2012

Analysis and Design of Transistor Circuits, Cowles, Laurence G., 1966

Microphones, Clifford, Martin, 1986

Ferrite Applications, Johnson, Alan K., 1991

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Budlong, A. L., 1949

Amateur Single Sideband, Collins Radio Company, 1962

Hiram Percy Maxim, Schumacher, Alice Clink, 1998

HF Amateur Radio, Poole, Ian, 2007

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Ford, Steve, 2015

Communications Receivers: The Vacuum Tube Era 1932-1981, Moore, Raymond S., 1991

ARRL Radio Buyer's Sourcebook, The, Shetgen, Bob, 1991

Radio Amateur Callbook Magazine. United States or North American Listings, Nelson, Herbert J., 1968

QRP Basics, Dobbs, George, 2003

Hints and Kinks for the Radio Amateur, Hutchinson, Charles; Newkirk, David, 1989

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1955

Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Duncan, Rudolph L.; Drew, Charles E., 1931

Short Waves, Leutz, Charles R.; Gable, Robert B., 1930

Amateur Radio Techniques, Hawker, Pat, 1970

Transistor Circuit Design: First Course (Heathkit Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983

Transistor Circuit Design: Second Course (Heathkit Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983

Digital Circuit Design: Volume 1 (Heath Zenith), Staugaard, Andrew C.; Larsen, Lawrence P., 1985

Digital Circuit Design: Volume 2 (Heath Zenith), Staugaard, Andrew C.; Larsen, Lawrence P., 1985

Passive Circuit Design (Heath Zenith), Leonard, Vincent F., 1983

Linear Circuits (Heath Zenith), Noll, Edward M., 1981

TTL and CMOS Circuits, Noll, Edward M., 1981

Operational Amplifiers (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979/1984 ?

Active Filters (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979

Phased-locked Loops (Heath Zenith), Berlin, Howard M., 1979

IC Timers (Heath Zenith), Howard W. Sams, 1979

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma W7DK, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

How to Build Hidden Limited-Space Antennas That Work, Traister, Robert J., 1981

Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2018

Radio Science for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2013

Amateur Radio Contesting for Beginners, Grant, Doug, 2019

Amateur Radio Satellites for Beginners, Ford, Steve, 2020

Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio, Corey, Michael, 2020

Radio Amateur's License Manual, ARRL, 1952

Radio Handbook, The, Radio Magazine, 1935

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1934

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1935

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, Handy, Francis Edward, 1927

Radio Amateur's Handbook, The, ARRL, 1932

Amateur Radio Stations of the United States, Department of Commerce, 1926

International Amateur Radio Call Book, International Call Book Co., 1925

QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine Vol 1,1, Maxim, Hiram Percy; Tuska, Clarence, 1915

QST: An Amateur Wireless Magazine: Fortieth Anniversary Reproduction, Maxim, Hiram Percy; Tuska, Clarence, 1955 (1915)

QST 2,2, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,3, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,4, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,5, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,7, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,8, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,9, ARRL, 1917

QST 2,10, ARRL, 1917

QST 9,12, ARRL, 1925

QST 15,2, ARRL, 1928

QST 15,11, ARRL, 1931

QST 24,5, ARRL, 1940

QST 25,6, ARRL, 1941

QST 43,5, ARRL, 1959

QST 48,1, ARRL, 1964

Pacific Radio News, San Francisco Radio Club, 1917

Wireless Age, The, Radio Communication, 1916

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

History of the Radio Club of Tacoma, Oakman, Douglas, general editor, 2020

Transmission Lines Explained, Parkin, Mike, 2019

Portable Antenna Classics, Ford, Steve, 2019

Receiving Antennas for the Radio Amateur, Nichols, Eric P., 2018

A History of QST Volume 1: Amateur Radio Technology, Silver, Ward, 2013

ARRL Antenna Book, One Volume Edition, Silver, Ward, 2019

ABC of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Trevert, Edward, 1911

Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1914

Elementary Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1918

Elements of Radiotelegraphy, Stone, Ellery W., 1919

Experimental wireless stations: their theory, design, construction and operation, Edelman, Philip E., 1916

How to Make a Wireless Set, Moreton, David Penn, 1911

How to Make a Wireless Set, Moreton, David Penn, 1911

Oscillation Valve: The Elementary Principles of its Application to Wireless, The, Bangay, Raymond Dorrington, 1919

Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1917

Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1921

Principles of Radiotelegraphy, Jansky, Cyril Methodius, 1919

Principles of Radio Communication, Morecroft, John H. (John Harold), 1921

Principles of Wireless Telegraphy, Pierce, George Washington, 1910

Radio instruments and measurements: Issued March 23, 1918, United States. National Bureau of Standards, 1918

Radiotelegraphy, Monckton, C. C. F., 1908

Radiotelegraphy. U. S. Signal Corps., U.S. Signal Office, 1914

Story of Wireless Telegraphy, The, Story, Alfred Thomas, 1904

Radiotelegraphy: U. S. Signal Corps., United States. Army. Signal Corps., 1916

?etheric or Wireless Telegraphy, Blaine, Robert Gordon, 1902

Thermionic Vacuum Tube and Its Applications, The, Van der Bijl, H. J. (Hendrik Johannes), 1920

Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, United States. Army. Signal Corps; United States. National Bureau of Standards, 1919

Vacuum tubes in wireless communication, a practical text book etc. , Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1919

Wireless course in twenty lessons, Secor, Harry Winfield; Gernsback, Sidney; Lescarboura, Austin C. (Celestin), 1912

Wireless experimenter\'s manual, The etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1920

Wireless operators\' pocketbook of information and diagrams, The, Bishop, L. Wilbur, 1911

Wireless telegraphy, Eichhorn, Gustav, 1906

Wireless telegraphist\'s pocket book of notes, formulæ, and calculations, The, Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1915

Robison's Manual of Radio Telegraphy and Telephony for the Use of Naval Electricians, Robison, S. S. (Samuel Shelburne), 1918

Marconi, The Man and His Wireless, Dunlap, Orrin Elmer, 1937

Thermionic Valve and Its Developments in Radio-telegraphy and Telephony, The, Fleming, John Ambrose, 1919

Vacuum tubes in wireless communication: a practical textbook etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1918

Manual of the Marconi Institute for Training in Radio Communications etc., Radio Institute of America, 1918

Wireless telegraphy and telephony simply explained etc., Morgan, Alfred Powell, 1913

Wireless telegraphy and Hertzian waves, Bottone, Selimo Romeo, 1910

Wireless telegraphy and wireless telephony etc., Ashley, Charles Grinnell; Hayward, Charles Brian, 1912

Practical Wireless Telegraphy: A Complete Text Book for Students etc., Bucher, Elmer Eustice, 1917

Wireless telegraphy, Fortescue, Cecil Lewis, 1913

Wireless telegraphy: its origins, development, inventions, and apparatus, Sewall, Charles Henry, 1903

Wireless telegraphy, Zenneck, Jonathan Adolf Wilhelm; Seelig, Alfred E., 1915

An Elementary Manual of Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony for Students etc., Fleming, John Ambrose, 1916

An Elementary Manual of Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony for Students etc., Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1911

Hertzian Wave Wireless Telegraphy, Fleming, J. A. (John Ambrose), 1905

A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-1899 etc., Fahie, J. J. (John Joseph), 1899

A History of Wireless Telegraphy, 1838-1899 etc., Fahie, J. J. (John Joseph), 1901

Practical Uses of the Wave Meter in Wireless Telegraphy, Mauborgne, Joseph Oswald, 1913

Principles Underlying Radio Communication, The, United States. National Bureau of Standards; Army. Signal Corps; Ould, Richard S, 1922

Radio Engineering Principles, Lauer, Henri; Brown, Harry L., 1920

Signalling Across Space Without Wires. Being a Description of the Work of Hertz , Lodge, Oliver, 1911

Signalling Across Space Without Wires. Being a Description of the Work of Hertz , Lodge, Oliver, 1900

Thermionic Tubes in Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Scott-Taggart, John, 1921

Thermionic Tubes in Radio Telegraphy and Telephony, Scott-Taggart, John, 1921

A Treatise Upon Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony, Hoppough, C. I., 1912

The Art and Skill of Radio-Telegraphy: A Manual for Learning [CW], etc., Pierpont, William G., 2002

Wood\'s Plan of Telegraphic Instruction, etc., Wood, Orrin S., 1865

Radio Amateur's Hand Book, The, A. Frederick Collins, 1957

Wireless telegraph construction for amateurs, Morgan, Alfred Powell, 1914

VHF Handbook, Orr, William I.; Johnson, H. G., 1956

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1978

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1972

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1972

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1967

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1959

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, R. L., 1949

Radio Handbook, The, Moyer, James A.; Wostrel John F., 1931

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1956

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Frank L. Jones, 1938

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W., 1939

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1940

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1941

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1942

Radio Handbook, The, Smith, W. W.; Dawley, Ray L., 1946

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, Ray L., 1947

Radio Handbook, The, Jones, Frank C., 1936

Radio Handbook, The, Dawley, Ray L., 1951

Radio Handbook, The, Orr, William I., 1962

Complete Idiot\'s Guide to DX, The, Gregg, Stuart, 1981

VHF for the Radio Amateur, Jones, Frank C., 1961

Single Sideband for the Radio Amateur, ARRL, 1970

Ham and CB Antenna Dimension Charts, Noll, Edward; M., 1970

More Arduino for Ham Radio, Popiel, Glen, 2021

Grounding and Bonding for the Radio Amateur, Silver, H. Ward, 2021

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2022, The, ARRL, 2021

ARRL Handbook for Radio Communications 2022, The, ARRL, 2021

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1974

ARRL Antenna Book, The, ARRL, 1960

Build Your Own Transistor Radios, Quan, Ronald, 2013

Secrets of RF Circuit Design, Carr, Joseph J., 2001

Antennas: Selection and Installation, Evans, Alvis J. , 1986

Amateur Radio Equipment Fundamentals, Helfrick, Albert D., 1982

Electronics: A Self-teaching Guide, Kybett, Harry, 1986

Raspberry Pi Explained for Radio Amateurs, Richards, Mike, 2020

Care and Feeding of Transmission Lines, The, Hallas, Joel R., 2012

Care and Feeding of Transmission Lines, The, Hallas, Joel R., 2012

Magic Band Antennas for Ham Radio, Walker, Bruce, 2019

Ham Radio for Arduino and PICAXE, Klotz, Leigh L., 2013

FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2021

FCC Rules and Regulations for the Amateur Radio Service, ARRL, 2021

Microcontroller Projects for Amateur Radio, Purdom, Jack; Peter, Albert, 2020

ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2021

ARRL Operating Manual, The, ARRL, 2021

International Antennas ?, Appleyard, Stephen, 2017

Your First Amateur Radio HF Station, Ford, Steve, 2014

ARRL\'s Even More Wire Antenna Classics Vol. 3, ARRL, 2017

HF Dipole Antennas for Amateur Radio, ARRL, 2019

SDR: Software Defined Radio, Barron, Andrew , 2019

Handbook of Electron Tube and Vacuum Techniques, Rosebury, Fred, 1965

RF Exposure and You, Hare, Ed, 1998

RF Exposure and You, Hare, Ed, 2003

Surplus Radio Conversion Manual, Vol. 2, Evenson, Richard Cameron.; Beach, Olen Robert, 1948

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2003, ARRL, 2002

Tesla: Master of Lightning, Cheney, Margaret; Uth, Robert; Glenn, Jim, 1999

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2023, ARRL, 2022

ARRL Handbook for the Radio Amateur 2023, ARRL, 2022

22 Radio Receiver Projects for the Evil Genius , Petruzzellis, Thomas , N.D.



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